2 research outputs found

    Improving software quality using design thinking with scrum

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    O objetivo desta dissertação é associar o Design Thinking com o Scrum para a melhoria da qualidade do software. As metodologias associadas colaboram para aumentar a velocidade dos backlogs ao cliente-utilizador na fase inicial de um projeto de desenvolvimento de software. A metodologia de pesquisa é o estudo de caso por meio de entrevistas e inquéritos com profissionais de TI, e a apresentação prática de um único estudo de caso. A recolha de dados quali-quantitativa por inquérito foi feita a profissionais no LinkedIn e a um grupo intitulado “Mulheres de Produto” do Slack. O estudo apresenta como resultado variados métodos e ferramentas complementares ao Design Thinking e ao Scrum para prevenir problemas de software. Foi revelado que times multidisciplinares tendem a adaptar-se de forma ágil e criativa devido à combinação do Design Thinking com o Scrum sempre com a participação do utilizador. De acordo com o público-alvo desta investigação, o valor percebido pelos utilizadores é satisfatório quando observadas as necessidades destes por meio da conjugação das entrevistas, da validação do MVP (Minimum Viable Product) e das sprints backlogs completadas. As implicações diretas deste estudo são a comunicação eficiente e a capacidade analítica do time, a participação do utilizador, a entrega contínua, e o desenvolvimento de software com uma proposição de valor intrínseco. A limitação está no fato de o público-alvo ser de profissionais brasileiros, exclusivamente, e pelo fato de apresentarmos um único estudo de caso.This dissertation aims to associate Design Thinking with Scrum for the improvement of software quality. The associated methodologies collaborate to increase the speed of the backlogs to the user client in the initial phase of a software development project. The research methodology is the case study through interviews and a survey with IT professionals, and the practical presentation of a single case study. The quali-quantitative data collection was done by submitting a survey to professionals on LinkedIn and to a group titled "Mulheres de Produto" by Slack. The study presents various methods and tools complementary to Design Thinking and Scrum preventing software problems. It has been revealed that multidisciplinary teams tend to adapt quickly and creatively because of the combination of Design Thinking and Scrum always with user participation. According to the target audience of this research, the value perceived by users is satisfactory when their needs meet by combining interviews, validating the Minimum Viable Product (MVP) and completing sprints backlogs. The direct implications of this study are efficient communication and analytical capacity of the team, user participation, continuous delivery, and software development with intrinsic value proposition. The limitation is the fact that the target audience is exclusively brazilian professionals, and that we present a single case study

    Design Thinking for Training with Serious Games: A Systematic Literature Review

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    Serious Games use game strategies to encourage participants to make decisions and face challenges in a training environment; the more interactive the game, the more engaged the participants are with the content. Moreover, the best way to train is to simulate and identify scenarios for decision making, recreating situations, and strategies for learning. The Serious Games for training have this purpose. A Serious Game for Training can be refined with a game narrative, a methodology centered on the player to present independent and straightforward scenarios, giving solutions through the game story. The challenge is to rethink a unique narrative according to the individual player\u27s experience. The present systematic literature review aims to answer which are the benefits of using Design Thinking for serious game narratives; the benefits of learning theories; the Design Thinking benefits for innovative solutions; and how game design elements can create an engaging Serious Game experience